Thursday, July 4, 2013

Harper's first 4th of July!

The Fourth of July is one of my most fave holidays (well, let's be honest - I do heart all holidays): fireworks, adult beverages, time with family + friends, street meat, and so much more! Plus, this was baby girl's first Fourth, so we just had to go all out.

Jesse and I were both able to take the next day off, so we really lived it up. Themed breakfast of pancakes, watermelon, and blueberries for baby girl. Followed by some relaxing family time, then Jesse went over to our friend Winston's for the annual friend fireworks extravaganza!

Harps and I headed over to Bellevue with my awesome mom-in-law and sister-in-law, Jules. We did a little shopping, ate some yummy Red Robin (what's more American than Red Robin?), then headed over to the big Bellevue Family Fourth in the park.

Not only did Harps stay up to watch the fireworks (which she LOVED), but she even got to eat one of my most favorite treats - an elephant ear (thanks for standing in that long line ladies).

It was an amazing day, that we all paid for the next day since Harps was a crank pot for staying up so late. But, totally worth it!

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