Monday, March 19, 2012

Baby Winters': Looking to the Future

Excited to start a blog, I said for a long tme that I would do this and now I want to do it for Baby Winters.

I want this young babe growing inside me to be able to look back and see how this pregnancy has brought his or her Mama and Daddy closer together. How we now know that it's never going to be about us again, how we are relishing our time as a family of three (including Hunter dog) and looking so forward to being a family of four.

We didn't expect to get pregnant so fast, but man, are we thankful and blessed! The countdown has begun until we find out if baby is a boy or girl and we couldn't be more excited!

This is only the beginning...I look forward to posting updates on how baby is brewing in there and how Mama and Daddy are getting ready. I'm looking forward to posting about the Grandparents, Uncles, Aunts and all our friends (honorary Aunties and Uncles) are getting prepped for the arrival of Baby Winters at the end of August. Our lives are going to change forever and this is one gift I can easily give to myself and baby.

Love you little one!
~One Excited Mama


  1. Yay, I'm glad you decided to start a blog - I think you will love it! :)

  2. love this!!! i can't wait for you to write more posts! you will be SO happy you do this :-) xoxo!
