I am so proud that my amazing cousin Rachel has come through labor & delivery with flying colors and now has a gorgeous daughter to show for it! Charlotte Elaine Nonaka was born on Sunday, March 25 and weighed in at a healthy 7 lbs 3 oz.

Rachel has always been so very special to me, and was even in my wedding. It was so exciting to share in parts of our pregnancies together and I know that she always understands what I'm going through. I haven't been able to talk to Rachel yet, but I'm excited to hear Miss Charlotte's birth story and even get to meet my second cousin (is that right?) in about a month. I feel so blessed to have so many inspiring women in my life to help me with this pregnancy and know that Baby Winters will always feel the love from my family and friends.
Congrats Momma and Daddy! Welcome to the world Nonaka Nugget!